Tagged with Work against discrimination.
Support to work against discrimination
Many of the NHRF’s grantees work with groups facing multiple forms of discrimination based on their gender, caste, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and other diverse identities. Supporting marginalised groups to take the lead in their fight against discrimination is a core component of the NHRF’s work.
Read more »Fighting for pride and our citizenship
Dayana Blanco is the Director of NHRF's grantee Ilex Acción Jurídica, an organisation of Afro-descendant women lawyers working for social justice. Read Dayana's blog about the situation of LGBTQIA+ rights in Colombia.
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Our life, our pride
The journey to fulfill the rights of LGBTIQ people in India has been a combination of legal battles, policy changes, and personal and collective journeys of assertion and solidarity. The communities' struggle for a caring, legitimate safe space in the society continues, and this year’s Pride Month is more important than ever.
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Supporting women workers in India
The NHRF's grantees in India empower women workers to advocate for and claim their rights to decent work and working conditions.
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Modern slavery in India: Patterns of patriarchy, politics, and “progress”
18 million people are currently living in modern forms of slavery in India. Read the blog about the issue, written by Anita Cheria and Winnu Das, which includes a brief checklist to stakeholders that wishes to engage in change.
Read more »The International fight for gender equality and decent work in the context of COVID-19
On May 21 2021, the Norwegian Human Rights Fund and the Norwegian Confederation for Trade Unions (LO) organised a webinar exploring gender equality and workers rights and the impact of COVID-19.
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