In order to ensure a high level of accuracy in the selection of projects and follow-up of projects and grantee partner organisations, the NHRF operates with local consultants in its priority countries. The main tasks of the consultants are capacity building of grantee organizations, monitoring of projects, and providing advice to the Secretariat on strategies and project applications. The NHRF also uses international networks and references from like-minded donors and national and international human rights organizations in the selection of projects. All NHRF consultants are qualified human rights activists with extensive experience from working with grassroots organizations in their respective countries. Currently the NHRF has consultants in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Thailand and Indonesia.
The NHRF organizational structure
The NHRF is anchored in Norwegian civil society organizations, providing imperative support to human rights projects. Correspondingly, five member organizations and institutions contribute strategically, professionally, and financially to the NHRF’s work and are represented in its Board.
The Board and supporters
The NHRF is managed by a Board of Directors that represent each of the member organizations.
As of 2022, the NHRF's members are:
- Amnesty International Norway
- Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations
- Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
- Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
- The Atlas Alliance
Board members
Wenche Fladen Nervold
Board Member
Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations
Katarina Sirris Karantonis
Deputy Board Member
Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations
Amitabh Behar
Board Member
NHRF's Secretariat in Oslo
Ingeborg Moa
Executive Director
Einar Wengen
Head of Finance
Kristin Storaker Skutlaberg
Head of Programmes
Lotte Yttereng
Administration and Finance Adviser
Halvard Hjermundrud
Senior programme Adviser
Lorena Schwab De La O
Programme Adviser
Maya Sunde Singh
Programme Adviser
Devika Nair
Programme Adviser
Aina Ferretti Sardà
Programme Adviser
Reidun Ryland
Programme Adviser
Sandra Petersen
Special Advisor
NHRF's Colombia Office
Katrine Ringhus
Country Director
Dhayana Cuellar Becaría
Finance and Administrative Manager
Gonzalo Sánchez
Finance and Administration Officer
Astrid Aristizábal
Finance and Administration Officer
Katerine Rivera
Administration and Logistics Assistant
David Pico García
Program Officer (MEL)
Marcela Ruiz
Communications Officer
Katheryn Sánchez Baquero
Advocacy and Program Officer
Luz Andrea Silva
Head of Environment, Forest and Human Rights Program
María Camila Pinilla
Program Officer
Environment, Forest and Human Rights Program
Yojan Leonardo Gutiérrez
Program Officer
Environment, Forest and Human Rights Program
Germán Barrera
Program Officer
Environment, Forest and Human Rights Program
Mónica Jiménez Amorocho
Head of Peace and Human Rights Program
Angela Galvis
Program Officer
Peace and Human Rights Program
Alejandro Jiménez González
Program Officer
Peace and Human Rights Program
Diana Torres
Program Officer
Peace and Human Rights Program
Local Consultants
Alexandra Jiménez
Local consultant in Mexico
Zulfiqar Shah
Local consultant in Pakistan
Petcharat Saksirivetkul
Local consultant in Thailand
Soundararaj Azariah
Local consultant in Sri Lanka
Anita Cheria
Local consultant in India
Papang Hidayat
Local consultant in Indonesia
Advisory Board
Mary Lawlor
UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders. Founder and Board member of Front Line Defenders. Adjunct Professor in the School of Business, Trinity College, Dublin. Member of the steering committee to develop an ethics policy for the School of Business. Former Director and Chair of Amnesty International Irish Section.
Jan Egeland
Founder of the NHRF and Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council. Former Special Adviser to the UN Special Envoy for Syria. He has served as State Secretary in the Norwegian MFA (1990-1997) and UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (2003-2006). Former positions: Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch, Director of HRW Europe, Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Secretary General of the Norwegian Red Cross and Chair of Amnesty International Norway. Professor II at the University of Stavanger.
Phil Robertson
Deputy Director at Human Rights Watch, Asia Division. Previous program manager of the UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP). Before that, he led the Mainland Southeast Asia office of the AFL-CIO's Solidarity Center, working on trade union rights, democratic political reform, and rights of migrant workers, focusing primarily on Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Thailand.
Jemima García-Godos
Associate Professor - Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo. M.Phil. and Dr.Polit in Human Geography, UiO. Doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. Researcher and Post-doctoral research fellow at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, UiO.
Gerald Staberock
Secretary General of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT). Previous Director of Center for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL) and Director of its Global Security and Rule of Law Initiative at the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). Coordinator of rule of law and anti-torture projects at OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
Nora Sveaass
Nora Sveaass is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. She is a former member of the UN Committee Against Torture, and currently a member of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture. Sveaass is the founder of Health and Human Rights Info, and the Human Rights Committee at the Norwegian psychological association, and is part of NHRF’s Advisory Board. In 2018, she was awarded the Human Rights Prize of the University of Oslo and in 2019 the Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav.
Advisory Board in Colombia
Mildrey Corrales
Former local NHRF consultant, National Technical Secretary of the Coordination Colombia Europe United States – CCEEU
Claudia Mejía Duque
Colombian feminist and human rights defender, former Director of the organization Sisma Mujer
Liliana Uribe
Lawyer and Human Rights Defender
Corporación Jurídica Libertad (CJL) and the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes (MOVICE)
Yolanda Perea
Afro-Colombian activist, defender and representative of victims of sexual violence
Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres
Eugenia Ponce de León
Daniel García
Rodrigo Botero
Executive Director
Fundación para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible (FCDS)
Organización Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía Colombiana (OPIAC)
Non-profit institution of public law, which represents the indigenous peoples of the Colombian Amazon before national and international institutions; its main objective is to ensure that all the collective and individual rights of its members are respected and recognised by all the actors located in the Colombian Amazon region.