An architect by training, Mr. Kothari, is currently the President of UPR-Info, which seeks to promote and strengthen the Universal Periodic Review by raising awareness, providing capacity-building tools, and bridging the different actors around UPR. Mr. Kothari served (from 2000-2008) as the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing with the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the Human Rights Council. During his tenure as Special Rapporteur, Mr. Kothari led the process that resulted in the UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on Development based Evictions and Displacement - the current global operational human rights standard on the practice of forced evictions. He is the founder and former coordinator of Habitat International's Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) and founder and former executive-director (1999-2013) of the Housing and Land Rights Network, India.

The seminar is the first in a series planned by the Human Rights and Sustainable Development: Law and Policy Research, Faculty of Law, to address the challenges of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Human Rights.

Arranged by the Human Rights and Sustainable Development: Law and Policy Research Group, Faculty of Law, UiO: contact Peris Jones,