Sizani has a long career fighting for human rights, and began her career as an activist within the ANC. In 1991 she became a Provincial Coordinator of the South African Women’s National Coalition, and contributed to develop the Women’s Charter for Effective Equality in South Africa. Her work played an instrumental role in the making of the rural and indigenous women section in the Bill of Rights within the South African Constitution. In 1998, Sizani founded the Rural Women’s Movement (RWM), an organization fighting against gender-based violence and for women’s access to land, education, property and inheritance rights. As a founding member of RWM, she has led numerous campaigns and advocacy training, lobbied for equal rights for rural women and their right to own land in jurisdictions under traditional leadership.
The Norwegian Human Rights Fund congratulates Sizani Ngubane on her nomination, and the important work she does. Watch the video to learn more about Sizani here: